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发布日期:2024-10-30 20:19    点击次数:99

黄色图片 全职教练



每年更新一次,最新发扬请检索Google Scholar: Chu-Ding Ling:

1. Duan, C., Zhang, M. J., Liu, X., Ling, C. D.†, & Xie, X. Y.†. (2023). Investigating the curvilinear relationship between temporal leadership and team creativity: The moderation of knowledge complexity and the mediation of team creative process engagement. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(4), 717–738. doi: 10.1002/job.2698

2. He, J. H., Xie, X. Y., Ling, C. D., & Feng, W.† (2023). Look back, move forward: A bibliometric review of team literature. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 27, 1–27. doi: 10.1037/gdn0000192

3. Ling, C. D., He, W.†, Gong, Y., Liu, W., & Cho, V. (2023). Does receiving knowledge catalyze creativity? A dyadic-level contingency model of knowledge type and psychological closeness on knowledge elaboration. Journal of Organizational Behavior, online first. doi: 10.1002/job.2741

4. Wang, F., Liu, W., Ling, C. D.†, Fan, P., & Chen, Y. (2023). Combating team hopelessness: How and why leader interpersonal emotion management matters. Personnel Psychology, 76(3), 797–827. doi: 10.1111/peps.12508

5. Xie, X. Y., Ling, C. D.†, Liu, W., (The first three authors contributed equally to this research) & Wei, J. (2022). Inter-team coordination, information elaboration, and performance in teams: The moderating effect of knowledge integration capability. Journal of Business Research, 149, 149–160. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.05.002

6. Xue, S., Tang, Y., Xu, Y.†, Ling, C. D., Xie, X. Y.†, & Mo, S. (2022). How boards’ factional faultlines affect corporate financial fraud. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, online first. doi: 10.1007/s10490-022-09859-0

7. Zhu, C., Zhang, F., Ling, C. D.†, & Xu, Y. (2022). Supervisor feedback, relational energy, and employee voice: The moderating role of leader–member exchange quality. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, online first. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2022.2119093

8. Mo, S., Ling, C. D., & Xie, X. Y.† (2019). The curvilinear relationship between ethical leadership and team creativity: The moderating role of team faultlines. Journal of Business Ethics, 154, 229–242. doi: 10.1007/s10551-016-3430-1

9. Luan, K., Ling, C. D., & Xie, X. Y.† (2016). The nonlinear effects of educational diversity on team creativity. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 54(4), 465–480. doi: 10.1111/1744-7941.12078


凌楚定 & 谢小云 (2020). 团队成员限度逾越行径前因过火服从机制:基于平台处罚视角的探究. 中国东说念主民大学出书社


1. 国度当然科学基金后生科学基金神气 “团队成员跨界行径的服从机制:企业酬酢媒体使用布景下的多水平探究” (72102226) ¥300,000 神气主合手东说念主 在研 (2022.1.1 – 2023.12.31)

2. 国度当然科学基金要点神气 “在线化入手的动态组织设想与职工行径探究” (72232009) ¥2,000,000 神气参与东说念主 在研 (2023.1.1 – 2027.12.31)

3. 香港探究资助局优配探究金神气 "Adaptations of multiteam systems in response to changes: A field investigation in a nuclear power plant" HK$643,210 神气参与东说念主 在研 (2024.1.1 – 2026.12.31)

4. 中国东说念主民大学商学院寰宇一流企业鼎新高地基金神气 “数字化赋能布景下的核电企业多团队系统韧性促进机制探究”¥100,000 神气主合手东说念主 在研 (2023.9.1 – 2027.8.31)


1. Ling, C. D., Zhang, M., & Zhu, J. (2023). Differential implications of promotion-and prevention-focused ethical leadership. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1). doi: 10.5465/AMPROC.2023.12500abstract

2. Zhang, M. J., Ling, C. D., Lam, C. K., & Lam, C. F. (2022). How and when are frequent voicers treated badly? Employee voice behavior and coworker victimization. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1). doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2022.16071abstract

3. Wang, D., & Ling, C. D. (2021). When and how awareness of social problems would boost one’s social entrepreneurial engagement. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1). doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.15662abstract

4. Ling, C. D., Liu, W., & Xie, X. Y. (2020). Implications of individual boundary spanning behaviors for team performance: A bottom-up model. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1). doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.20126abstract 

5. Ling, C. D., Bavik, Y. L., & Xie, X. Y. (2019). A social network perspective on team members’ external learning. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1). doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2019.17056abstract


1. 凌楚定 & 周怡涛 (2021). 司理-团队“连连看”,因东说念主施用绩效高. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

2. 凌楚定 & 张沥尹 (2021). W公司:空降兵指引的转型之路. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

3. 凌楚定 & 高宸 (2021). Y公司:3%小目标的挑战. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

4. 凌楚定,张元泽,& 李晓雨 (2022). “意中东说念主”也曾“肉中刺”:跟班者的窘境. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

5. 凌楚定,李晓雨,钟薛扬,& 陈鑫 (2022). H厂:跟班者引颈的变革之旅. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

6. 凌楚定,陈鑫,西西人躰艺术网吕睿琦,& 李晓雨 (2022). K律所并购团队:中年岁讼师若何搪塞变装更正. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

7. 凌楚定,周殷絮,& 陈鑫 (2023). 从皆心合力到东说念主心涣散:指引者影响力的丧失. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

8. 凌楚定,李戈,& 彭舸 (2023). 放诸四海而皆准?K公司外洋商场部的跨文化指引安妥. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

9. 凌楚定,王姿,& 张元泽 (2023). “空降”销售总司理:变革指引力也曾走动指引力?. 中国东说念主民大学商学院案例库

女生 自慰

10. Ling, C. D., Zhang, L. Y., Chen, X., & Li, X. Y. (2023). Company W: The transformation of the outsider CEO. Sage Business Cases


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